Cephalalgia, also known as Headache is a symptom of pain anywhere in the head or neck. Usually occurs in migraines, tension-type headaches, and cluster headaches. Frequent headaches can affect many things such as your daily life, and health. Severe headaches can also increase the risk of depression. It is important to know the types of headaches that exist, and some of them can be very dangerous
This is a type of headache that can be very dangerous and these are :
1. Thunderclap headache
Unexpected bursts of headache lasting at least 60 seconds. Sudden pain is sometimes intolerable and can also be a sign of bleeding in our brain.
2. Headaches caused by eating habits or exercise
This is a very dangerous symptom. This is usually a sign of a brain aneurysm or so-called tumor.
3. Blurry vision plus headaches
This type of headache can be a warning sign of stroke.
4. Recurring headaches
If you experience daily headaches, you should go to the hospital and seek medical help.
5. Experience headaches over 50 years
People aged 50 years and over who experience headaches should pay attention, this can indicate atherosclerotic changes in the large arteries of the brain.
6. Headache after injury
Symptoms of a concussion include dizziness and mental confusion, especially after a contact-related head injury.
7. Cluster headaches
If you have a headache that persists in only one eye, it is called a cluster headache. This type of headache is usually accompanied by vomiting or nausea.
8. Meningitis headaches
Meningitis headache symptoms include a stiff neck and fever accompanied by a headache. Go visit the hospital immediately when you experience these symptoms.
9. Headache worsens after 24 hours
This sign of headache can cause a stroke. If you have a headache and it persists after a day or more, visit a hospital and seek medical examination.